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欢迎来到新葡京app! 我们的招生团队来找你了. We love connecting families 和 students with EC’s God-honoring, academic-rocking, 改变世界的使命. 我们是雄鹰. 你准备好和我们一起翱翔了吗?

If you are looking for a school where each child is important, 那里的老师, 管理员, 和 staff take an active interest in their students' well being, where rigorous coursework will prepare your son or daughter for the challenges of the future, 在哪里建立起持久的友谊, 和 where a Christ-centered education is a priority, then you must consider enrolling your child at Eastern Christian.

  • 丹尼尔Onove
  • 家长



Eastern Christian provides a rigorous academic environment with a caring, competent staff. It is small enough to present a family atmosphere 和 yet large enough to offer a full range of extra curricular activities in the areas of athletics, 戏剧, 和技术. 所有的老师, 管理员, 和 staff knew my children by name 和 took an interest in their present well being 和 prospects for future success.

Why did you choose Eastern Christian School for your children?
We chose Eastern Christian because we were looking for a school that offered engaging educational opportunities in a Christ-centered environment. We wanted to ensure that the school they attended would prepare them for the future they envisioned. 我们没有失望. 我们的 older boys secured generous college scholarships 和 are now safely ensconced in rewarding 和 promising professions. All were prepared by their experience at EC for the advanced education that followed high school.

In what ways have you seen your children grow in their faith as a result of their experience at Eastern Christian School?
通过与老师的接触, 管理员, 以及体现圣经价值观的员工, my children were presented with Christian role models who helped guide their path. Faith-based community service 和 regular Bible study also led them to grow in faith 和 commitment.

The Eastern Christian tagline is “Engaging. 培养. 转换.” How does your child experience this at EC?
Eastern Christian has so many wonderful, caring, 和 committed teachers, staff, 和 管理员. It is through their nurturing that students are motivated to get involved in activities that engage their minds 和 spirits. And as they become more deeply involved in studying the Scriptures, 祈祷, 和敬拜, a transformation occurs that deepens their faith 和 leads them into a closer, more productive relationship with our Creator, 和, 通过扩展, 那些在他们势力范围内的人.


What would you tell another parent to encourage them to consider enrolling their child at Eastern Christian School?
If you are looking for a school where each child is important, 那里的老师, 管理员, 和 staff take an active interest in their students’ well being, where rigorous coursework will prepare your son or daughter for the challenges of the future, 在哪里建立起持久的友谊, 和 where a Christ-centered education is a priority, then you must consider enrolling your child at Eastern Christian.










开始日期: 2010

教育: B.A. ——贝勒大学剧院
M.S. - Educational Administration, The University of Scranton


Suzanne is an energetic, creative, 和 organized team member at ECSA. 除了是欧共体校友, she has served in a variety of roles in her career at EC, including Humanities 和 CP English teacher, HS音乐剧和合唱总监. After 7 years in the classroom she moved into Administration, 扩展学习第一, involving programs such as Before 和 课后照顾 和 俱乐部 Pk-6th grade, 服务学习pk -12年级, 营地pk -8年级, 早期大学项目开发, 和 several cultural exchange 和 short-term international programs. Now she serves as the Enrollment Director.  She 和 her husb和 own a small business in Warwick, NY, 和 are proud parents to a young ECES student 和 toddler.

Suzanne met her husb和 in the hallways of ECHS upon transferring mid-way through HS; her heart 和 passion for serving this transformative institution, 最近通过分享EC的故事, identity 和 mission with potential 和 current EC families, 是深深根植于心. 对社区参与充满热情, she’s grateful for the opportunity to continue learning 和 growing as a member of the EC family, 不管她戴着什么帽子!











开始日期: 2024

教育: B.S. - Business Management, Southeastern University


Dan is happily married to his wife Courtney. They have three children: Aden, Beckham 和 Easton. Aden 和 Beckham are both enrolled at EC 和 Easton hopes to join them once old enough! Dan is extremely passionate about serving the community 和 families of EC through his role as an admissions counselor 和 guiding strong-fit families to our doorstep. Dan enjoys watching 和 playing sports 和 is a HUGE Knicks 和 Yankee fan. He is currently an elder in training at his church 和 loves to live on mission for Christ!






开始日期: 2018

教育: B.A. - English, Women's Studies, Skidmore College


Kara has been happily married to Tim Stansel for 23 years. 他们有三个孩子:凯特琳, 目前就读于巴克内尔大学, 卡特, 富兰克林未来的学生 & Marshall College 和 Griffin, a proud member of the Class of 2022 of ECHS. When not working in the Enrollment Office, Kara enjoys spending time with her family 和 volunteering in her community. Kara currently serves as a Deacon on the Consistory of The Community Church of Glen Rock.


Want to talk to someone with firsth和 experience?

